Friday, September 30, 2011

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love 

author: Andrie Wongso
Unconditional Love

It is said, there is a large family. Their grandparents are married couples who seem harmonious and always in harmony with one another. One day, when gathered together, the grandson asked them both, "Grandparents, please tell us the recipe to get along and how grandparents love for this to retain our young can learn."

Hearing the question, just the grandparents made eye contact with each other smile. From the look of both, radiated a sense of deep love between them. "Aha, my grandmother who would tell you and answer your questions," said the grandfather.

As he gazed into the past, the grandmother started the story. "This is the experience of grandparents who can not be forgotten and it feels good to hear you. One day, we were both involved conversation about an article in the magazine entitled 'how to strengthen the knot." There is written, each one of us are required to record things that are less favored than our spouse. Then, discuss ways to modify it to tie knot can be stronger and happier. Well, that night, we agreed to split the room and record whatever is not preferred. The next day, over breakfast, my grandmother started first read out a list of all the sins of your grandfather about three pages. Come to think of it, but many also, and more surprisingly, so many do not like, but still you become husband and beloved grandfather grandmother, "the grandmother said with a laugh. His old eyes looked glazed look back at that time.

Then the grandmother continued, "My grandmother read it until finished and exhausted. And, now turn your grandfather who melanjutakan storytelling." With a subdued voice, the old man continued. "That morning, my grandfather took the paper as well, but .... empty. My grandfather did not record anything else on the paper. Grandpa felt she was the woman who loved what the grandfather, grandfather did not want to change it one bit. Your grandmother is beautiful, kind, and want to marry your grandfather, it was more than enough for my grandfather. "

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Distinguishing Intonation mean

Distinguishing Intonation mean

Once, on one day in a small village, a carpenter received a letter. Because of illiteracy, then hurriedly went to a butcher he knew, who had a strong character, to ask for help reading the letter.
Distinguishing Intonation mean
 "It's a letter from your son," cried the butcher. "Here he said: Dad, I'm sick and penniless cent. Please send me some money as soon as possible. Your son. "Thus, the letter was read in a voice loud and harsh tones by the butcher. Instantly the carpenter was angry. He said, "You ungrateful child! So she is, can rule me, father? Do not think I'll send him cent! "

In his anger, he returned home. But the journey, he met his friend, a tailor who soft-spoken. So he told me about the letter earlier.

"Why do not you see my boy this letter!" He said.

The seamstress then read the letter in her gentle, calm, and clear.

Suddenly, another very meaningful letter. The carpenter had to be sad. "Oh my poor!" She said anxiously. "He must have suffered, I'd better send her money now."

A wise friend ...

The message is very dependent on the manner of delivery. Often, the conflict between couples, friends, or colleagues, arises not because there is a large and complex problem that can not be solved. But because we can not manage to deliver a thing.

Please note: for example when we disagree with the opinion of someone, you should convey to the patient, friendly, and clear. So who heard it will be easier to accept / digest and more contention can be avoided.

Come, learn to behave better in the "wrap" message that we want to convey.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blogger Nusantara Blogpreneur Indonesia

Blogger Nusantara Blogpreneur Indonesia

Blogger Nusantara Blogpreneur Indonesia

Indonesian blogger world is the goal of forming a community association is a very big thing Blogpreneur Nusantara Blogger Indonesia
This is the beginning of the nation's commitment to Indonesia that we might become an entrepreneur with over the internet

Blogger Nusantara Blogpreneur Indonesia
I initially loved the world bagamana internert with initially only one-fad of starting a blog and then practicing seo (search engine optimization) and then I want to deepen again then I attended a community in whose name the blogger community yogyakarta jogja (KBJ) here is where I deepened the world of blogs and began my acquaintance with

Blogger Nusantara Blogpreneur Indonesia
nah, this is a very large community in Indonesia in association hopefully this will be a community that can become entrepreneurs in the internet world community

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sports - Suffering Or Pleasure ?

Sports - Suffering Or Pleasure?
Author: Ade Rai

Regular exercise often regarded as an affliction. But by those who enjoy it, take it as a pleasure.

Why there are two sides of view of a thing?

The answer lies in the MEANING we CHOOSE to give to the sport activity itself.
Who regard sports as a consideration SUFFERING:
- AVOID SHORT TERM Passion of exercise such as aches and fatigue.
- LOOKING FOR SHORT TERM PLEASURE by choosing to use his time to activities other than exercise, such as sleeping, eating, and others.

Who regard sports as a PLEASURE to have consideration:
- AVOID THE LONG-TERM miserable from not exercising as fat accumulation, the onset of degenerative diseases that are often delivered in the doctor's verdict, and others.
- LOOKING FOR LONG TERM PLEASURE by choosing to stay healthy, fit, strong into old age, so do not bother children and grandchildren, even can continue working and provide for longer mercy to anyone he loves.

All of this back to the meaning we give to something, in this case SPORTS. Another word of meaning is a CHOICE WE DELIVER IN FOCUS.

We can choose to focus on sport as miserable, or we can choose to focus on sport as MEANS, STRATEGY to achieve an outcome that we desire in a way that FUN .

Choice is in our hands. And ... just as our choice to interpret NUTRITION & REST REGULARLY.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How To Avoid Negative Thoughts - 3 Proven-To-Work Methods

How To Avoid Negative Thoughts - 3 Proven-To-Work Methods

Glass Wrecking hammer , but Hammers Forming Steel

Glass Wrecking hammer , but Hammers Forming Steel
Glass Wrecking hammer, but Hammers Forming Steel
What is the meaning of the ancient Russian proverb?

If our souls fragile as glass, then when the mallet / hit problems, we will easily discouraged, frustrated, disappointed, angry, and so despondent.

If we are the glass, then we are also vulnerable to collisions. We're easily offended, disappointed, angry, or hurt while we relate to others. Little impact has been more than enough to destroy our relationship.

Do not ever be a glass, but be steel. Mental mental steel is always positive, even grateful when a problem remains and the circumstances that was really hard squeezing.

Why is that?
People who like this always assume that "the problem is the process of life to shape it for the better". A piece of steel who would be a more useful tool after first processed and shaped with a hammer. Every blow is painful, but the mental steel to realize that it's always good to him.

If today we are being oppressed by the problems of life, never respond with the wrong attitude!
If we are "steel", we will always see the hammer that struck us as friends that will shape us.
Conversely, if we are "glass" then we will always see the hammer as an enemy who would destroy us.

Xiaofeng Peng - Success For Learning and Courage

Xiaofeng Peng - Success For Learning and Courage 

Writer: Tim 

Many young people today because of internet based business aiming to make money easy, cheap, and get rich quick. But work on the real sector (production of goods) is also able to create new millionaires from the capital does not amount to much. One of them was Peng Xiaofeng, a young Chinese-born, 34 years ago. 

Unlike the young, successful businessman from the West who tend to drop-outs (such as Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook or Bill Gates at Microsoft's launch), Xiaofeng develop because of active learning. In addition, he is also smart as seen from the track record of brilliant education, always top three in school and never Mathematics Olympic champion in his country. 

During high school he not only English language courses, but also taught himself Japanese and Germans did not find the place after the course. After graduating high school he continued his studies at the School of Foreign Trade, Jiangxi to achieve the diploma in 1993. After that, pursuing MBA at Beijing University Guanghua School of Management which she completed in 2002. 

But success can not be achieved easily. Xiaofeng undergo several stages of life before pursuing a business that made him one of Asia's richest young people in the world. Began when he worked in Jian City Bureau of Foreign Trade, an export development agency in the province of Jiangxi. At this institution he served analyze China's foreign trade. 

Maybe that's where he found the export opportunities. That is not at all. In 1997 along with a few friends founded the Liuxing Industries Limited, an import-export company dealing in trading of safety equipment such as gloves, safety shoes, work clothes, and so on. He also volunteered to come out of the city of Jian foregin Trade Bureau to better manage their own business seriously. 

However, the institutions of local government resign because its performance is quite good. Somehow the story, Xiaofeng really got the idea of ​​establishing his own company that manufactures safety equipment. Then the Jiangxi provincial government is willing to invest. From Suzhou Industrial Company Limited Liuxin standing, cooperation with local governments Jiangxi company. With the founding of this company has integrated business Xiaofeng between safety equipment manufacturers (through Suzhou Liuxin) and marketing company (Liuxing Industry). 

Good relations with local governments also take advantage when he had the idea to develop a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). One time in 2001, because he often served to represent a European company, Xiaofeng realize how Europe increasingly intensive use of PLTS. This idea appears. He wants to encourage the Chinese government to develop well and he supplies the panel suryanya PLTS. But it was not easy because he is blind to technology. 

Fortunately the spirit of learning never subsided. After studying here and there even to visit a solar cell factory in the U.S., in 2005 he established the Jiangxi LDK Solar Co. Ltd., a manufacturer of solar panels and its supporting products. He is very tactical raise money. Before the plant was established he marketed it to the provincial government of Jiangxi. And after the government can be convinced and willing to buy products for PLTS will be built in the province, he sought a loan. It is not difficult to obtain capital when the buyer is certain. From this stand Jiangxi LDK Solar Co. Ltd..

Fortunately the spirit of learning never subsided. After studying here and there even to visit a solar cell factory in the U.S., in 2005 he established the Jiangxi LDK Solar Co. Ltd., a manufacturer of solar panels and its supporting products. He is very tactical raise money. Before the plant was established he marketed it to the provincial government of Jiangxi. And after the government can be convinced and willing to buy products for PLTS will be built in the province, he sought a loan. It is not difficult to obtain capital when the buyer is certain. From this stand Jiangxi LDK Solar Co. Ltd.. 

 The company began to produce solar cells from raw materials, installation, maintenance and other support. Before long he was getting lots of orders. Even he could export it. This business is not so much in the world, probably because its application has not been popular. Xiaofeng now owned company became the largest supplier of solar cell industry in the world. Xiaofeng, founder and major shareholder, has become one of the richest young man in the world. According to estimates by Forbes magazine, his wealth reached U.S. $ 2.5 billion, or around Rp 21.2 trillion! All because Xiaofeng properly manage potential through learning and the courage to take risks. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

There are successful in our Hands grip

There are successful in our Hands grip

Authors: Andrie Wongso
There are successful in our Hands grip
The story illustrates that the real forces that determine our future lies in our ability to maximize its potential. Those who are optimists will always be aware of the situation himself gratefully. With grateful they were able to maximize what he has. This is what will lead us to independence, do not rely on others, because we believe we have the ability.

Everyone is certainly different from the others. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Then, if someone is born with physical deficiencies, lack of opportunity for the schools, lack of geography or area of ​​residence, parents are poor, have no chance to be a successful person?

If that fact, why many people with disabilities, for example, can be successful by defeating a normal person? Why is Stevie Wonder, the singer who was born without sight, can be successful and become a living legend who beat them normal? Why are the people who once poor are now able to enter the World Forbes Billionaire row or rows of the richest people in the world?

Only those who believe that success is in the hands of his own and dare to fight desperately to be successful. This is exactly the philosophy that I often say. Success is My Right! Success is our right! Therefore, no matter what our potential, let us know it, let us strive for. Success was waiting for us!
Authors: Andrie Wongso

The story illustrates that the real forces that determine our future lies in our ability to maximize its potential. Those who are optimists will always be aware of the situation himself gratefully. With grateful they were able to maximize what he has. This is what will lead us to independence, do not rely on others, because we believe we have the ability.

Everyone is certainly different from the others. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Then, if someone is born with physical deficiencies, lack of opportunity for the schools, lack of geography or area of ​​residence, parents are poor, have no chance to be a successful person?

If that fact, why many people with disabilities, for example, can be successful by defeating a normal person? Why is Stevie Wonder, the singer who was born without sight, can be successful and become a living legend who beat them normal? Why are the people who once poor are now able to enter the World Forbes Billionaire row or rows of the richest people in the world?

Only those who believe that success is in the hands of his own and dare to fight desperately to be successful. This is exactly the philosophy that I often say. Success is My Right! Success is our right! Therefore, no matter what our potential, let us know it, let us strive for. Success was waiting for us!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

In Fate's in our Hands grip

In  Fate's in our Hands grip
In  Fate's in our Hands grip

Politics  always bear his heroic example.  Helle Thorning-Schmidt's victory  in the Danish general election 15 September 2011  reminded the world that these women politicians never give up. As a woman, he faces a big challenge to achieve that position.  He must convince his people that a woman can lead Denmark.

His struggle has been a long time he did and failed at the election victory of 2007 when just one step away. Now he is waiting for the inauguration to become Denmark's first woman Prime Minister as well as showing that the emancipation of the country's going well.

In Indonesia, the struggle for the emancipation of women has always identified with RA Kartini. Now many Indonesian women who become leaders within small organizations, enterprises, ministries, and even became president. Kartini message has been practiced.

Actually the essence of the message is universal and self-reliance doctrine implies that thick. Meaning not only for women but men as a whole. That one's fate is determined by the people themselves, not by others. Success is determined by the person himself, rather than relying on people for help.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life Full of Gratitude

Life Full of Gratitude

author : Andrie Wongso

Life Full of Gratitude
Who live in the mountains miss the beach. Who live in the coastal mountains missed.
In the dry season, missed the rainy season. In the rainy season, missed the dry season.
Black-haired, admiring the blonde. The blond, admiring the black.
Stay home, yearn to travel. After traveling, homesick.
When still be an employee, want to be entrepreneurs in order to have time to work for free As soon become an entrepreneur, instead want to be employees, so enggak dizziness ...
Quiet time, searching the crowd. Busy time, seeking peace.
When I was single, wanted a handsome husband / wife beautiful. Once it can be husband and handsome / beautiful wife, actually even want the biasa2 only, so not jealous / afraid of cheating
When a child has one, many children crave. When it had many children, longing for one child only.
Remarkable friend,
When happiness will we get if we always think about what is not there, but ignore what is already owned?
Be a person who is always grateful for the blessings we already have yαng!
How could a small piece of leaf that can cover this vast earth? Far from earth, it is difficult to cover the palm of the hand! But if this little leaf stuck in our eyes, then tertutuplah earth!
So also when our hearts, when covered with the slightest bad thought, then we will see evil everywhere. This earth will look bad.
Come, do not close our eyes, although only with a small leaf. Do not also cover our hearts, even if its just a bad thought / negative! When our heart is closed, tertutuplah all .. Thankful for what I had, because life is a boon for the souls who sincerely.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Risk Factors for Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant Mesothelioma is a disease in which lies malignant (cancer) cells in the mesothelium, a thin layer of tissue that covers most organs in the body was found.

Mesothelioma most often affects the pleura (the thin tissue layer that lines the chest cavity and covers the lungs) or peritoneum (the thin layer of tissue that lines the abdomen and covers most organs in the abdominal cavity). This article describes malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure in the workplace is reported in about 70 to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.

There is some evidence that family members and others living with asbestos workers at increased risk of developing mesothelioma, asbestos disease and other related possibilities. This risk can put the result of exposure to asbestos dust home on their clothing and hair of asbestos workers. To reduce the chance of exposing family members to asbestos fibers, asbestos workers are usually required to shower and change their clothing before leaving the workplace.

Smoking did not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma. But the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure increases a person's risk of lung cancer (see the causes of lung cancer).

When exposed to asbestos can affect the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma. Many people with malignant mesothelioma have worked or lived in places where they are inhaled or swallowed asbestos. Once exposed to asbestos, it takes a long time to happen most of malignant mesothelioma.

Other risk factors for malignant mesothelioma include:

Living with someone who works near asbestos.
Because exposure to certain viruses.

Mesothelioma is a (cancer) benign (not cancerous) or malignant tumors mesothelium, which is a type of protective sac that covers the internal organs. Most cases begin in the pleura (the lining around the lungs) or peritoneum (abdominal lining).

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a type of mesothelioma begin in the cancer cells grow in the pleura. Most people who develop this condition on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles work.

Mesothelioma Treatment and Causes

Mesothelioma Treatment and Causes

Treatment for<a href=''> Mesothelioma</a>
"Mesothelioma Treatment and Causes". There are various mesothelioma treatment options for someone diagnosed with the disease.

Several factors can influence the recommended treatment options include:

Stage of cancer (see Phase Mesothelioma)
Types of cancer cells (as seen under a microscope)
A person's age and general health
Whether newly diagnosed or has come mesothelioma (relapse) is.

In general, the treatment options for mesothelioma:

Surgery (see Surgery Mesothelioma)
Chemotherapy (see Chemotherapy Mesothelioma)
Radiation therapy (see Radiation Mesothelioma).

Your doctor can describe your treatment options and expected results of each. You both can work together to create a treatment plan that your medical needs and personal values ​​will do justice. Choosing the most appropriate treatment is a decision that in the ideal case, a team of patients, families and health.

Treatment of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma treatment usually begins within a few weeks after diagnosis. It is time for people to talk to their doctors about treatment options, a second opinion, and you will learn more about this disease.

Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. In the United States, asbestos is the major cause of malignant mesothelioma and has been considered "indisputably" associated with the development of mesothelioma. Indeed, the relationship between asbestos and mesothelioma is so strong that many consider mesothelioma a “signal” or “sentinel” tumor. A history of asbestos exposure exists in most cases.

However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. In rare cases, mesothelioma has also been associated with irradiation, intrapleural thorium dioxide (Thorotrast), and inhalation of other fibrous silicates, such as erionite. Some studies suggest that simian virus 40 (SV40) may act as a cofactor in the development of mesothelioma.

Asbestos was known in antiquity, but it was not mined and widely used commercially until the late 19th century. Its use greatly increased during World War II. Since the early 1940s, millions of American workers have been exposed to asbestos dust. Initially, the risks associated with asbestos exposure were not publicly known.

Treatment Mesothelioma
However, an increased risk of developing mesothelioma was later found among shipyard workers, people who work in asbestos mines and mills, producers of asbestos products, workers in the heating and construction industries, and other tradespeople. Today, the official position of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. EPA is that protections and "permissible exposure limits" required by U.S. regulations, while adequate to prevent most asbestos-related non-malignant disease, they are not adequate to prevent or protect against asbestos-related cancers such as mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma PowerPoint Related Articles

Friday, September 9, 2011

What is mesothelioma?

What is mesothelioma?, Free Accutane Case Evaluation Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos and symptoms may not appear for as long as 20 to 40 years after exposure. Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the tissue made up of specialized cells called mesothelial cells which line the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, and the cavity around the heart. These cells also cover the outer surface of most internal organs.

 The mesothelium produces a special lubricating fluid that allows organs to move around within the body with less friction. For example, this fluid makes it easier for the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing.

 The mesothelium of the chest is known as the pleura. The mesothelium of the abdomen is called the peritoneum. The mesothelium of the pericardial cavity, which is the space around the heart, is called the pericardium.

 Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks any of these mesothelial regions.

Thursday, September 8, 2011 | Mesothelioma | Mesothelioma

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining around the outside of the lungs and inside of the ribs (pleura), or around the abdominal organs (peritoneum).

What does asbestos have to do with mesothelioma?

The only known cause of mesothelioma in the U.S. is previous exposure to asbestos fibers. Asbestos manufacturers knew about the hazards of asbestos seventy years ago - but they kept this knowledge to themselves. The first warnings to workers exposed to asbestos were given in the mid-1960s, and they were terribly inadequate. Even today, workers are not always told they are working around asbestos and are at risk for asbestos disease.

What can someone with mesothelioma do?

Seek out the best and most up-to-date information.

Seek out the best medical care.

Early screening for mesothelioma diagnosis.

Stay in close contact with your doctor.

Consider whether or not you want to bring a lawsuit because of this asbestos-related injury.

Remember that resources are available to you through community and medical support groups, asbestos victims' organizations, your place of worship, as well as your family and friends.

By : Kazan McClain Lyons Greenwood & Harley, Mesothelioma Law Firm

source :

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Auto Insurance Quotes

Reading Always - On this day I will try to provide information to readers Reading Always, know the price of Auto Insurance. Actually what is the point that the price of Auto Insurance for us who have a vehicle.
So I'll try to explain to your readers to know Always Reading auto insurance.

Auto Insurance Quotes
No matter where you are or tingal where, if you drive a car then you need auto insurance coverage. Online auto insurance quotes and free car insurance estimate is easily available from Alistate. Auto insurance requirements vary from country to country. Finding out more about your state coverage requirement is the first step toward researching and purchasing your coverage.

Your auto insurance rate is adjustable through your coverage limits and your deductible amounts. There are a number of other factors that affect the price of insurance, including your driving history, your age, and the type of automobile you drive. One of the best money-saving tactics is to combine your auto insurance policy with other insurance such as your home or renters insurance plan in order to get a deal on both. Whatever your needs, Allstate agents can help you find a plan that fits into your budget.

 Auto insurance discountsare available depending on what kind of vehicle you drive, where you live, or the safety features your vehicle has. We provide discounts to students, seniors, and retirees. If you drive a new automobile, economy automobile or utility vehicle, you may be eligible for further discounts. Even the type of safety system your vehicle has can make you eligible for auto insurance discounts. For example, discounts may be applicable if your vehicle has passive restraint systems, anti-lock brakes, or anti-theft devices.

 We also offer auto insurance discounts to those who have been accident-free with no moving violations in the last three years. Our best auto insurance discount is for drivers who have been accident-free for five years and who have no moving violations. Drivers age 55 and up can also save on premiums by taking defensive driving classes.

 There are a number of different insurance policy options available to help you get the complete auto insurance coverage you need. We offer liability and medical protection including insurance to protect you from those with little or no insurance. Our vehicle protection plans help protect you through collision coverage and comprehensive coverage options. Additional protection can also be extended to you to protect you from a variety of personal injuries such as lost income, child care expenses, and medical expenses.

 Allstate also provides specialized insurance for young drivers with our teen driver insurance plans. You can find out more about graduated driver licensing laws in your state on our site. These graduated driver licensing laws help teens to gain driving experience and learn how to safely navigate the roads. If you want to learn more about ways you can help protect teen drivers, visit the Allstate Teen Driver website.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mesothelioma Lawyer Michigan

Mesothelioma Lawyer Michigan

Mesothelioma Lawyer Michigan
Finding the right lawyer is the first step when you have been diagnosed with Mestohelioma.  This diesease was not and accident but negligence on the part of many companies. Companies failed to alert their employees of the health dangers of working with asbestos.  Being notified by government officials and fully aware of the adverse effect this could have on their workers health they wrongfully chose not to alert these innocent employees.

f you are one of the thousands of people suffering from the adverse effects of asbestos you need to contact a mestohelioma lawyer in Michigan.  Even if you don't remember the time or place you may have worked with this dangerous material a competent mestohelioma lawyer from Michigan will be able to investigate your previous employment so that they can pin point exactly when you were put in this hazardous situation.  These lawyers have been working years and investigating thousands of cases all involving mesothelioma cancers.  They are trained to ask the most pertainant questions to find how in your life time you were exposed to asbestos and to find the company responsible.

 If you feel you have a right to a claim because of the statue of limitations written into the laws you must contact a Michigan mesotheliom lawyer as soon as possible. Or if you have lost a loved one to this terrible cancer you can file a law suit on behave of the victims estate.  Many companies have been part of these law suits and have established funds to cover future litigation against their company.  Once it is proven you or your loved one were working for said company and were exposed to asbestos your lawyer can then take the next steps to recover your costs of medical attention and the pain and suffering of you and your family.

 When you are ready to hire and experienced mesothelioma lawyer from Michigan check to see their record of success.  You may be able to contact past colleagues you worked with at the company to see if they may have been diagnosed or filed suit against the company and if they are satisfied with the results they got.  If this has not happened you may want to advise them to see their family physician to advise they have been exposed to asbestos in the past.  Remember signs and symptoms will not be evident some 10 to 50 years from the time of exposure.