Unconditional Love
author: Andrie Wongso
It is said, there is a large family. Their grandparents are married couples who seem harmonious and always in harmony with one another. One day, when gathered together, the grandson asked them both, "Grandparents, please tell us the recipe to get along and how grandparents love for this to retain our young can learn."
Hearing the question, just the grandparents made eye contact with each other smile. From the look of both, radiated a sense of deep love between them. "Aha, my grandmother who would tell you and answer your questions," said the grandfather.
As he gazed into the past, the grandmother started the story. "This is the experience of grandparents who can not be forgotten and it feels good to hear you. One day, we were both involved conversation about an article in the magazine entitled 'how to strengthen the knot." There is written, each one of us are required to record things that are less favored than our spouse. Then, discuss ways to modify it to tie knot can be stronger and happier. Well, that night, we agreed to split the room and record whatever is not preferred. The next day, over breakfast, my grandmother started first read out a list of all the sins of your grandfather about three pages. Come to think of it, but many also, and more surprisingly, so many do not like, but still you become husband and beloved grandfather grandmother, "the grandmother said with a laugh. His old eyes looked glazed look back at that time.
Then the grandmother continued, "My grandmother read it until finished and exhausted. And, now turn your grandfather who melanjutakan storytelling." With a subdued voice, the old man continued. "That morning, my grandfather took the paper as well, but .... empty. My grandfather did not record anything else on the paper. Grandpa felt she was the woman who loved what the grandfather, grandfather did not want to change it one bit. Your grandmother is beautiful, kind, and want to marry your grandfather, it was more than enough for my grandfather. "
author: Andrie Wongso
It is said, there is a large family. Their grandparents are married couples who seem harmonious and always in harmony with one another. One day, when gathered together, the grandson asked them both, "Grandparents, please tell us the recipe to get along and how grandparents love for this to retain our young can learn."
Hearing the question, just the grandparents made eye contact with each other smile. From the look of both, radiated a sense of deep love between them. "Aha, my grandmother who would tell you and answer your questions," said the grandfather.
As he gazed into the past, the grandmother started the story. "This is the experience of grandparents who can not be forgotten and it feels good to hear you. One day, we were both involved conversation about an article in the magazine entitled 'how to strengthen the knot." There is written, each one of us are required to record things that are less favored than our spouse. Then, discuss ways to modify it to tie knot can be stronger and happier. Well, that night, we agreed to split the room and record whatever is not preferred. The next day, over breakfast, my grandmother started first read out a list of all the sins of your grandfather about three pages. Come to think of it, but many also, and more surprisingly, so many do not like, but still you become husband and beloved grandfather grandmother, "the grandmother said with a laugh. His old eyes looked glazed look back at that time.
Then the grandmother continued, "My grandmother read it until finished and exhausted. And, now turn your grandfather who melanjutakan storytelling." With a subdued voice, the old man continued. "That morning, my grandfather took the paper as well, but .... empty. My grandfather did not record anything else on the paper. Grandpa felt she was the woman who loved what the grandfather, grandfather did not want to change it one bit. Your grandmother is beautiful, kind, and want to marry your grandfather, it was more than enough for my grandfather. "